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Come Say Hey! 

Farmer's Markets 


East Asheville Tailgate Market
Fridays 3-6pm 
954 Tunnel Road, Asheville NC 


Uptown Farmers Market
Saturdays 8am-12:30pm 
300 South Davidson St. Charlotte, NC 


Wholesale Outlets & Partnerships

Bounty and Soul

Bounty and Soul

A community-driven organization working at the intersection of food, farms, and health.

Freshlist CLT

Freshlist CLT

Charlotte's Food Hub, supporting local farmers & artisans. Delivering weekly to restaurants and home kitchens

Encompass Farm CSA Shares

Encompass Farm CSA Shares

Each week, you can find our produce inside the vibrant and diverse veggie boxes that farmer Vannah has to offer.

Whaley Brewery Produce Stand

Whaley Brewery Produce Stand

Stop by for a beer, and peek into the coolers to see our produce on the shelves!

Feed Asheville Farm CSA

Feed Asheville Farm CSA

Distributes free, fresh, locally sourced food into the BIPOC community.

If interested in purchasing produce via our wholesale system?
Contact Ellie, head of wholesale and delivery at 404.805.4299 or with your name/business and what you’re looking for. Thanks!
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